Products / Product Selector / Commercial,Residential / KANE460
Wireless All-in-one HVACR Analyzer
- Test residential & commercial heating & hot
water systems
- Commission boilers, perform sweep & room
CO migration tests
- Commission & test heat pumps, A/C &
refrigeration systems - No manifold & hoses
- Measure building IAQ & ventilation
- O2 & CO with NOx option
- 2 psi / 160 mbar pressure sensor for flue
draught, system & tightness tests
- Hydrophobic water trap stops vapour damage
- Log, store & transfer tests to KANE LIVE App
- Fast & easy operation with large colour graphic
display & rugged, compact design
✓ Test residential & commercial gas, oil & biomass appliance performance & safety
✓ Perform structured let by, tightness & flue draught tests
✓ Heat exchanger integrity
✓ Appliance sweep test for CO leaks
✓ Simultaneous 4 room CO migration test with up to 4 KANE79 wireless CO monitors
✓ Heat pump temperature differential test
✓ A/C & refrigeration superheat & subcool test (option)
✓ Building ventilation & IAQ test with KANE- DTHA2 wireless anemometer for airflow,
temp & RH (option)